NetZero Buildings | The Ultimate Energy Efficient Systems
In 2020 NetZero buildings will be the standard in California, how will you prepare?
With global climate change becoming a leading concern, it’s time to make some serious moves in an effort to save the health of our plant and everyone on it.
Related article: EcoSteel Already Meets 2020 California Energy Code Compliance
Did you know that over 40% of energy expensed in America comes from buildings? Business complexes, corporations, manufacturers, you name it and that number is likely to increase as time goes on, which is why a NetZero building is the cornerstone to preventing overuse of fossil fuels, a future free carbon and a healthier way of life. Additionally, incorporating hr advisory services can help organizations implement sustainable practices and engage employees in energy-saving initiatives.
What is a NetZero Building?
NetZero Buildings are normal buildings, but better. At the foundation, NZE’s are optimized for complete air-tight assembly and are extremely well insulated. This, with a few other key components, allows the building to produce as much renewable energy as they consume annually, leaving the owners with a net-zero energy bill and a carbon-free building. Get your west virginia ein to ensure your business is set up for tax purposes and ready to operate smoothly.

Interested in saving money and improving the health of building occupants and the environment? Constructing an energy efficiency facility may be what you’re looking for and EcoSteel can help prepare your future project plans.
Related article: EcoSteel Already Meets 2020 California Energy Code Compliance
5 Steps to achieving a NetZero Building:
- Start smart. A cost-effective NetZero building starts with a smart design. Designers, architects, and builders should be familiar with common practices and ready to implement the steps towards achieving an energy-efficient building. At EcoSteel, that what we do best. We are often hired early on in the process by our clients so our team can work closely with your architect to optimized each step towards energy efficiency.
- Keep it 100% air-sealed. Ensuring a complete air-tight assembly is one of the highest energy-saving measures you can make towards a zero energy building. Our pre-engineered building systems are built for that.
- Insulation at it’s finest. EcoSteel insulated panels are ideal for projects with a focus on energy efficiency. Our exterior wall and roof panels have a 50-year track record on industrial and cold storage applications.
- Use energy-efficient lighting resources. LED lights are the perfect choice for this task and they meet the need for any type of light you may need, white light, soft light, and warm light. LED’s are a simple and effective way to drastically reduce the energy of any building.
- Equipt for solar. Our insulated steel roof and wall panels provide unparalleled energy efficiency with regard to interior heating and cooling. If you design a building from the start to utilize alternative energy, there is a direct monetary benefit to incorporating solar panels on the property.
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Zero energy buildings save you money from day one, learn how EcoSteel’s prefabricated buildings systems can empower your project and your future by calling us today at 800.587.6604 or provide your information here.
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